
Gain the tools you need to push your artistic boundaries in both traditional and new media while engaging with diverse art traditions and theories across cultures and times.







Carthage art students make and study art in a breathtaking setting, mastering traditional and new media as they push the boundaries of their personal vision. 地理位置优越,位于芝加哥和密尔沃基之间, students engage with great artworks in internationally recognized 博物馆, 为创意经济中的职业做好准备, and develop lifelong professional connections and friendships.


Studio art majors work closely with their professors and fellow art students in a range of traditional and new media in well-equipped studios. Students develop professional skills and connections through exhibition opportunities, 实习, 与教师进行年度投资组合审查, 老年人的独立工作室空间, 个人论文展览, and art organizations in preparation for life beyond Carthage.

全球十大赌钱排行app的 工作室艺术课程:

  • 绘画
  • 插图
  • 陶瓷
  • 雕塑
  • 版画
  • 摄影
  • 动画
  • 数字艺术
  • Video
  • 电影
  • 表演
  • 安装
  • 声音

艺术史和理论课程 allow students to study visual art as an enduring cultural legacy. Courses are designed to provide the intellectual framework for understanding and interpreting visual culture, and to build in students the analytical skills necessary to discuss the complex modes of artistic expression across the ages.

全球十大赌钱排行app提供了一个 艺术专业,有K-12公立学校执照 that provides the necessary preparation leading to a Wisconsin state license 艺术教育. This major develops the skills students need to be practicing studio artists as well as effective teachers.

Art major Paul Salsieder's art mural in Hedberg Library, 2017. 社区连接

的 Carthage art curriculum promotes connections to the local community and networking.



Each studio art major conducts a senior exhibition highlighting their abilities. Multiple artists have left a lasting imprint by painting campus murals through a paid summer research program.



Students enjoy well-equipped, sunlit studios in the H. F. 约翰逊美术中心, where a computer lab also features the latest image and video-editing software. 展览空间包括H. F. 约翰逊美术馆, 视觉与表演艺术实验室, 和坎贝尔学生会美术馆, 一个学生经营的空间. Additional exhibition opportunities are coordinated with neighboring institutions and local/regional galleries.




学生组织, 包括学生艺术委员会, 艺术俱乐部, 和Kappa Pi, 荣誉艺术联谊会, 发展专业社交机会. 机会 include the Annual 24-Hour 画 Marathon, Print-a-Rama, 小组谈判, 同行的批评, 实地考察. 每个学期都有去芝加哥的旅行, 密尔沃基, 和国外, 参观商业画廊, 博物馆, 还有艺术博览会.



  • Abigail Smith

    “Carthage has been instrumental in shaping my artistic journey and providing me with the skills and knowledge I need to pursue my dreams in the art world. I am excited about the future and the possibilities that lie ahead.”

  • Kelsey Spofford

    “I have been able to explore my individuality through academics as well as develop lifelong friendships. Being at Carthage has given me opportunities like no other.”

  • Basil Kiracofe

    “的 tools Carthage has to offer have given me the opportunity to succeed as a student and prepare for the future.”

  • Amber Redmond

    “Growing up, I always thought college wouldn’t be for me and everyone did their own thing, but Carthage is a strong community and everyone wants to see you succeed.”


艺术职业: 为未来做准备

Studying and making art within a liberal arts curriculum at Carthage uniquely prepares students as innovators and leaders in the arts. 机会 for 实习 with regional galleries and 博物馆, 专业美术工作室, and design firms offer students real-life experiences, 网络建设, 以及潜在的工作. 较强的批判性思维能力, 技术知识, and visual communication abilities extend to a variety of arts-based fields, 包括:

  • 专业的艺术家
  • 艺术历史学家
  • K-12艺术教育家
  • 策展人
  • 艺术治疗师
  • 艺术管理员
  • 艺术评论家
  • 艺术的作家
  • 社区艺术教育者
  • 艺术外展协调员


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