









凯利·西伯特25岁,a 伦茨总统奖学金 recipient, has found different opportunities to get involved at Carthage. 她是……的成员 全球十大赌钱排行app活动委员会(CAB), 好朋友俱乐部, 全球十大赌钱排行app中高阶层,和 武术俱乐部.



“Other students should consider elementary education because it is arguably one of the most influential majors. Teachers are the ones who inspire students to take their desired life path and are their number one cheerleaders throughout that entire process.”



“I chose Carthage because I loved the unmatched 全球十大赌钱排行app程序 and knew that the staff here cared about their students. I wanted my professors to know my name, and I knew the 小班授课 会让我有宾至如归的感觉吗! I also loved the lake view; it never gets old! 也, all of the counselors I spoke with said that Carthage had an extraordinary education program, 他们是对的!”


"全球十大赌钱排行app教职员工一直信任我, 即使在我不相信自己的时候,和y were always willing to 工作 with me to help me be the most successful student I could be, 即使生活充满挑战. They have given me peace of mind that I could succeed as a student and in my career by adequately preparing me for both!”


“My favorite class at Carthage has been Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom taught by 尼娜·魏斯林教授. 教授. Weisling was always there for us and supported us in and out of the classroom. She was also a very straightforward teacher, and I was never unclear on her instructions. We did enough engaging activities that I can feel more prepared for behavior management in the classroom.”


“My most challenging class at Carthage has been Introduction to Political Theory because it was the farthest outside of my major and had the most readings, 这很困难. It also had material I was not familiar with, so I had trouble engaging with the material in class. 然而, it helped me learn a lot about the world and how politics 工作, and I am glad I was able to enlighten myself about this topic.”


“I love CAB because it has given me opportunities I would have never gotten, 比如看我第一次现场百老汇音乐剧, 亲爱的埃文·汉森,,票价仅为10美元! 也, I saw the Milwaukee Admirals game and a Scotty McCreery concert on ice; the night also included a reserved food table just for Carthage. CAB has also helped me improve my planning, leadership, and time management skills. I was on the e-board as the director of finance and had to juggle attending events, 工作, 类, 家庭作业, 我时间, 还有社交时间! It made me realize that I would rather be busy than sitting around and not knowing what to do with so much time on my hands!

“武术俱乐部 has helped me befriend a group of great people and helped me learn how to defend myself. Best Buddies has helped me expand my social circle and gave me rewarding and valuable experience with students from Matthias Academy, 这对我的教学生涯有帮助吗. It also reminds me of my high school experience because I was in a similar club, 朋友项目, 我很高兴又能有这样的经历!

“最后, 全球十大赌钱排行app中高阶层 has made me realize how many people around campus are big Taylor Swift fans, and we can all share our love and affinity for her in a very welcoming and positive space.”


“我拿了 城市教育 过去的沉浸式课堂 j项, and it was a class I will always value and never forget. Everyone in this class was assigned a local urban school and classroom to go to for three hours every Monday, 周三, 和周五. We would spend time with the students while learning about the urban school environment and bring back ideas on improving it. I was in a kindergarten class and loved spending time with all the sweet students, and I even got to have lunch and recess with them. This class taught me a lot about how there are people who are less fortunate than you, 但是你可以对他们产生终生的影响. 我永远不会忘记这堂课!”


“I have been an orientation leader for two years in a row, and it inspires me to help first-year students just like my OLs supported me my first year. It is also so rewarding to see students from my orientation group getting involved on campus, 参加所有的活动, 一起出去玩!”


“我在校园里最喜欢的地方是 大卫. Straz小. Center because it’s such a lovely building with so many study spaces, 其中很多我刚刚才发现. I also love that it has such a nice auditorium to watch talented actors perform. I love how expansive the building is, and spending time there is an excellent pastime!”


“I went to the PROM-blems dance my first year, and it was a great environment to hang out with my friends and let loose while also meeting new people. Another favorite memory was going to the President’s Ball dances; it was so exciting to see everyone all dressed up and dance the night away with my friends!

“I just love hanging out with my friends in general and going out for coffee, 研究, 看电影之夜, or staying up late at night laughing and talking. It’s great to be around such a supportive and inclusive community.”


“My advice for you would be to keep an open mind and never give up because if there is a more challenging student to get through to, you will eventually make a great connection with them,和y will likely come back years later to thank you for your inspiring attitude and 工作!”