







At Carthage, 麦迪逊Bazylewicz ’26 is majoring in 音乐教育 and music with an emphasis in clarinet performance. On campus, she’s involved in the co-ed music fraternity, λ卡巴,以及 全球十大赌钱排行app乐队. Music has always been a part of her life, as she has been playing clarinet since fifth grade, tuba since her junior year of high school, and saxophone since her senior year of high school. 

Madison has had the opportunity to participate in a j项 作为日本游学团的成员 全球十大赌钱排行app管乐团.

learn more about music majors at carthage


“Everyone here really wants to see you succeed. So many faculty members are in your corner, ready to help. Knowing there are so many people here for you is a great feeling.”



“I chose Carthage because of how welcoming the 音乐系教师 是我刚来学校的时候吗. 在我 奖学金 试镜时,我很紧张. The faculty in my audition did a great job assuring me I was doing great and that if I wanted to be at Carthage, 然后就有了一个适合我的位置. I loved the opportunities available for students, even as underclassmen. I could be in the top band right away as a freshman. 我被邀请到 全球十大赌钱排行app爱乐乐团 到第二学期. Being in those top groups would have never happened at a big school.”


“Our director of instrumental activities, 詹姆斯·雷普利教授确实影响了我在这里的时间. Being able to study conducting with him has been amazing. 他带来了如此多的知识, and I get to learn so much about the different techniques he has learned. I truly feel like I am being taught information that will be useful beyond my time here. Taking classes with him offers a different set of knowledge, and I don’t know where else I could get it. He truly cares about each of his students and gets to know them all.”


“My favorite class so far has been Choral Pedagogy for Instrumentalists, which is taught by 彼得·丹尼教授. As someone who has never been in a choir before, this class teaches about the fundamentals of a choir classroom and relates it to many of the familiar principles in a band classroom. It allows us to sing in a very supportive environment. I find it very interesting learning about the many components that go into teaching choir, 我很高兴我选了这门课. It is helping me feel more prepared for a future in teaching.”


“My toughest class has been Keyboard Skills I. Since I came in with no background in piano playing, this class has proven very challenging. I have to take a lot of outside time to practice and ask my peers questions. It has been hard, but I am getting through it.”


“My career goal is to teach high school band in a school with a marching band. However, my time at Carthage has changed some of my goals. I can now see myself teaching middle school band or even orchestra at some level. It is crazy because I don’t think I would have ever said that three years ago. High school still sits at the top because I loved my time in marching band back in high school and can see myself in that element.”


“My favorite spot is anywhere I can hear the waves crashing. 有时, 那是在我宿舍看书, 其他时候, it’s outside sitting in one of the iconic red chairs along our beautiful 湖畔. I also love Starbucks, sitting over there and getting some homework done or chatting with a friend. It’s close to the Johnson 艺术 Center, and it’s a nice, easy walk to grab a coffee or snack.”


“我喜欢宾果游戏之夜. These are some of my favorite events throughout the semester. It is a great way to take a break from practicing, 和朋友玩得开心, 希望能赢得一些有趣的奖品. Even if you don’t win, it is still a fun time. 我也喜欢返校节. The parade is always super fun, and the concert at the night’s end is always one to remember. It kicks off the year, and it is always great to see everyone’s family.”


“滚出你的宿舍. Study in a lounge, the library, or even outside if it’s nice enough. I am not productive in my room, so I like to go to 海德堡图书馆 或者约翰逊艺术中心学习. This forces me to finish my work, and then I can return to my room to relax. 我建议使用 导师 在你们班,如果他们有的话. 有时, even if you think you are doing fine in class, the tutor can help you understand something differently, and it might give you a different outlook on a topic. Make sure to take time for yourself, too. 你不能一天到晚都在学习. Take time to rest, hang with friends, and always make sure you have time to eat. 给身体补充能量是非常重要的.”


“My biggest piece of advice is to be confident that this is what you want to do and that you are willing to work for it. 这并不总是那么容易. There will be times when you wonder if you can do it, but trust yourself and know it is what you want, 你可以做到的.”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“I don’t think eight-year-old me would believe I had stuck with music and wanted to teach it for the rest of my life. 我一直想帮助别人, and teaching will still allow me to do that, 但是在八岁的时候, 我想我会成为一名医生或兽医. My ideas have changed as I have grown older. I am so happy with what I’ve accomplished so far, but I still sometimes wonder how my life would be if I had gone into the medical world.”